Folks, it doesn't get much more blatant than this! There was not enough land to build on between the street and the base of the cliff, so the developer/s brought in heavy equipment to carve out the cliff face and remove a large portion of it in order to extend the area suitable for building. The problem, of course, is that in doing this, the support for the houses above is being removed, setting the stage for them to fall quite spectacularly and probably rather soon.
Under normal circumstances, the homeowners would file a lawsuit to stop the developer/s and prevent what will certainly be eventual catastrophic damage to their homes, but this happens to be taking place in the most corrupt town in the U.S. (see my earlier post about this). Developers here own and run the entire legal and justice system, so such a lawsuit would simply not stand a chance. Everyone around here knows this, which is why such an outrageous situation is allowed to proceed.
This being such an unusual place, however, means there is another possibility to consider as well. These photos happen to be of land that is located on the opposite side of the same street our own house and land are on and very close by us. If it turns out that the same developer/s who are doing all the cliff carving also own or control the houses above, then instead of greed, the situation becomes more one of harassment of us by loud construction equipment noises at all hours. There are few other homes nearby, and noise harassment is a standard component of organized stalking. In that case, this situation becomes less about greed and more about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.
Update, 4/12: The developer's greed has now apparently resulted in a death. (Both of these items were published in the Fredericksburg Standard.)
Notice that the body was quickly cremated.
Update, 10/15: Construction has resumed on this property. What is supposed to be housing is being built, but it is being surrounded by a concrete wall that is being reinforced by steel. Very expensive and unusual!

Much depends on whether or not they build a retaining wall before the next heavy rain, or not.
A similar escapade in the UK led to a retaining wall and half a hillside landing on top of a top of the range, Range-Rover; a dispute over which insurance company was liable led to the Range Rover remaining, half buried, in view of passers-by for the next eighteen months.
It could be quite difficult to sell any houses built on the site of a well-publicised landslide.
I made a longish comment which was lost to the ethernet .... at any rate I made it a point to log in and claim the comments you found troubling in order to assure you it was me. I hope that given the fact it's not your X commenting (at least not the ones you reposted) you'll have an understanding. I wish I were the author you and others are. I'm just not. I'm much more confortable relating to what you write and telling you what we share in common. I'll try to make it a point to always log in but many times I do not have my computer... so .. I got in the habit of cliccking the "anonymous" radio button
More Tampa to Texas ILLEGAL DOINGS.
Pam Bondi: VERY CORRUPT please visit the article and read the comments. (florida tree frog especially)
Florida attorney general selects lawyers to help handle BP oil spill claims
By Elizabeth Behrman, Times Staff Writer
Elizabeth BehrmanTampa Bay Times In Print: Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Florida Attorney General's Office announced Friday that it has selected a legal team to help represent the state as it makes economic claims related to the BP oil spill.
The legal team will be composed of lawyers from four law firms, including Tampa-based Fowler White Boggs.
The team also includes Nix Patterson & Roach, which is based in Texas and has an office in Grayton Beach, as well as Harrison, Rivard, Duncan & Buzzett and Harrison Sale McCloy, both based in Panama City.
Nix Patterson will lead the team, and the lawyer who will be working on the claims is based in the firm's Florida office, said Jenn Meale, communications director for the attorney general's office.
She said the firms were selected based on prior experience representing government and corporate clients who suffered losses from the 2010 oil spill.
I have recently uncovered information directly tying BOA to this "foreclosure" mess including the fact that they STALLED FOR THREE YEARS on some houses and snatched others away from "certain" owners.
They're in it knee deep which I'm sure the attorneys Pam Bondi fired......, who by all accts but Pam's should NOT have been fired) also articles in the st pete times pertaining......
had discovered. There are a number of them right around me. AND NOW in the longest-term stalker house has moved in (VERY IMPROBABLY) a BOA consumer banker. She's really trashy in appearance but that's because she's in this local trashy gang complete with yellow drug car and all.
Sorry but distracted by all the junk from Tampa ? I thought this was about WindCrest . ML will get this , do the MORON Family still own WindCrest and the land development ? If so the death would , sadly , mean nothing to them . If they do still own it I can promise they are harassing you . Thats what they do best , terrorize people . Especially with all the millions they have come into since a land sale and the old mans death . That is why a few of the grandchildren severed all ties with them and siblings are sick of the clan on the hill . They are stalkers.
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