By now, I believe the vast majority of Americans have come to realize that our nation is currently awash with crime. Whether it's organized, petty, gang-related, serial, white-collar, drug-related, etc., the fact remains that it's
all rampant and largely unchecked. This simply doesn't happen when law enforcement is doing its job properly.
The problem of law enforcement corruption is
not one of lack of knowledge; there are plenty of us citizens willing to come forward and report what we know in an effort to get needed relief from being victimized and make our homes, communities, and country safer. Instead, the problem is one of finding safe and reliable ways to give our information to law enforcement with the understanding that it will be treated seriously, used properly and effectively, and not be turned against us or others.
If you have information on corrupt American law enforcement officers, whether it's at the local, state, of federal level, there is an important new post you
must see:
This post explains the current situation and problems with reporting corruption very well. It also gives step-by-step instructions complete with links to the proper ways to report your information that give victims the best chances for obtaining relief, given the current sorry state of U.S. law enforcement.
The article referenced above does an excellent job of evaluating the options for victims of law enforcement corruption who are desperately seeking help and relief. I have only a few minor additions to make that are based on my own personal experiences.
First and foremost, I need to underscore the conclusions reached in the afore-referenced piece.
Do not under any circumstances turn to Diop Kamau and/or the Police Complaint Center for help! If you'd like confirmation of the fact that this is a scam, go to, where you will find my entire criminal fraud and conspiracy case posted for your examination. My documents are posted in chronologic order starting at the beginning of the blog, and I recommend looking at them in this order for maximum shock value and understanding of how Kamau operates. At the end of the blog, I've included a number of sample comments and complaints from other victims as well.
If you're able to make it through all or most of my documents, you'll get a very clear sense of how my complaints and information were actively used against me and my children as I was being defrauded and stalked. You will also be able to see firsthand how I was increasingly victimized by law enforcement at all levels. Also notice that even after I posted proof of illegal surveillance by law enforcement (see "Illegal Surveillance, Part 4", posted here on 11/14/09) and a death threat received from an officer (see "Other Police Threats", posted here on 10/3/09), the U.S. DOJ still refused to do anything.
As I've noted previously in this blog, I have information on dozens of other people who've been victimized by Diop Kamau and the Police Complaint Center. These people turned to him in desperation for help in dealing with police corruption because they were unable to receive assistance elsewhere. Instead, they wound up being victimized twice: first by crooked law enforcement and then by Kamau and his associates. Many found Kamau through links from law enforcement websites, as I did, or through referrals from well-known agencies. For example, one woman was sent to the Police Complaint Center by the NAACP after her son was shot to death by a police officer; she was then defrauded out of several thousand dollars by Diop Kamau, who promised her legal assistance she never received.
I correspond regularly with many of Kamau's other victims, particularly the ones who are ongoing victims of serious cyber harassment, defamation, identity theft, and stalking as I am. In an effort to try and find out how many other victims there might be, one victim filed a freedom of information request with the FTC asking for copies of all complaints they had on file against the Police Complaint Center. He received over 30 pages of these, yet they did not contain complaints from many of the other victims we know about. One victim received an email from the Better Business Bureau of Washington, D.C. stating that Kamau had informed them he was shutting down the Police Complaint Center for good after he lost his investigator's license and received an "F" rating. However, his websites remain up and continue advertising for clients, and my fellow victims and I continue being contacted by new victims looking for help. Now one victim has learned that the DOJ may actually be providing Kamau with funding and is in the process of filing complaints and freedom of information requests in an effort to find out if this is in fact the case.
While I completely agree with the author of the above-referenced post in theory that it's important to complain to the DOJ in writing as the proper first step to take regarding reporting law enforcement corruption, I'm also painfully aware that as a practical matter, doing this first may not be wise for everyone. At the very least, it may be a waste of time and money, as I noted in my comment left at the end of the piece and as is shown by the response I received from the DOJ that's posted here on this blog under "DOJ Civil Rights Division" (6/28/10). In the worst cases, the information you provide to the DOJ may potentially used against you, as has happened to my children and me, because law enforcement corruption now goes so high. Each person will have to weigh their own situation carefully before deciding how to proceed.
In any case, I can recommend the British reporting link without hesitation. While it's a sad state of affairs indeed that we Americans are being forced to turn to other countries for the help our civil rights and tax dollars supposedly entitle us to at home, it's also encouraging to know there are places to turn where our information is treated with the care and consideration it deserves. It's a real blessing to realize there are others out there who are still serious about stopping crime and making our world a better and safer place.
The following important updated information has been published by the author of the link I referred to above:
"The official, but very long unmaintained, DOJ page on reporting police corruption, on the link above, has recently had all its content removed, although the link isn't totally dead.
This is probably a good thing, because it looks as if it were hacked several years ago, to include links to the bogus confidence trickster's site. A serious criminal offence was committed by whoever did that, although the DOJ was negligent in that it doesn't appear to have checked its own page between the last month of the Clinton Administration and the publication of this post, a decade later. It is unknown how many people have been conned in the meantime, or precisely when the DoJ page was hacked to include official-looking links to an entirely bogus site. Probably, some time after it became obvious to the conmen that nobody in the DoJ was maintaining the page.
However, the number "three hundred" tends to crop up in other cases involving pathological liars who are keeping a number of victims on a string, and it may be that this is the maximum number they can keep track of and string along at any one time. Scams with larger numbers of victims are done on a "fire and forget" basis."