The following example shows what happens when medical authorities and the colleagues of a mentally unstable physician ignore well-founded concerns about him.
A subsequent public inquiry under Lady Justice Janet Smith came up with many more probable victims of this man.
The original of this list can be found at the following link:
Please also see the following video:
•, Friday 19 July 2002 15.23 BST
Harold Shipman: full list of victims
An alphabetical list of the 215 people murdered by the Greater Manchester doctor, Britain's worst serial killer:
Acton, Lily
Adams, Lizzie
Adkinson, Sarah
Adshead, Norman
Adshead, Rose Ann
Aitken, Irene
Andrew, Dorothy Mary
Andrew, Joseph
Andrew, Mary Emma
Arrandale, Albert
Arrowsmith, Winifred
Ashcroft, Netta
Ashton, Dora Elizabeth
Ashton, Ellen
Ashworth, Ada
Ashworth, Brenda
Ashworth, Elizabeth
Ashworth, James
Ashworth, Sarah
Aveyard, Clara Ethel
Baddeley, Elizabeth Mary
Baddeley, John
Bagshaw, Bertha
Barber, Squire
Bardsley, Joseph
Bardsley, Lily
Bardsley, Nellie
Barker, Elsie
Barlow, Charles Henry
Barnes, James Edward
Battersby, Elizabeth
Baxter, William
Beech, Joseph
Bell, Norman John
Bennett, Ethel
Bennett, Frances
Bennett, Nellie
Bennison, Charlotte
Bent, Arthur
Berry, Irene
Bill, Edith Annie
Birchall, Mary Ivy
Bird, Violet May
Black, Alice
Boardman, Kathleen May
Boardman, Mary Louisa
Bogle, Geoffrey
Bolland, Alice
Bowers, Mary Elizabeth
Bradshaw, Miriam
Brady, Edith
Bramwell, Harold
Bramwell, Vera
Brassington, Charles Geoffrey
Brassington, Nancy Anne
Bridge, Doris
Bridge, Jane
Brierley, Albert
Brierley, Edith
Broadbent, Lily
Brock, Edith
Brocklehurst, Charles Edward
Brocklehurst, Vera
Brooder, Irene
Brookes, Lily
Brookes, May
Brown, Alice
Brown, Mary Alice
Brown, William Henry
Buckland, Edward
Buckley, Ethel
Burke, Elizabeth Mary
Butcher, Lydia Edith
Cains, Ida
Callaghan, Sean Stuart
Calverley, Edith
Campbell, Annie
Carradice, Marion
Carrington, Alice
Carroll, Josephine May
Cartwright, Hannah
Chadwick, Wilfred
Challinor, Ivy Elizabeth
Challoner, Genevieve
Chapman, Irene
Chappell, Alice
Chappell, Wilfred
Charlton, John
Charnock, George
Cheetham, Albert
Cheetham, Alfred
Cheetham, Elsie
Cheetham, Hena
Cheetham, Norah
Cheetham, Thomas
Chidlow, Amy
Clarke, Fanny
Clayton, Elsie
Clayton, Frances
Clee, Beatrice Helen
Clough, James
Condon, Thomas
Connaughton, Alice Hilda
Connors, Michael
Conway, Margaret Ann
Coomber, Frederick
Cooper, Ann
Copeland, Erla
Copeland, Sydney Hoskins
Couldwell, Constance Anne
Coulthard, Ann
Coutts, Mary
Couzens, Hilda Mary
Cox, Eileen Theresa
Crompton, Eileen Daphne
Crompton, Frank
Crompton, John
Crossley, Lily
Cullen, Lilian
Cuthbert, Valerie
Davies, Cissie
Davies, Eric
Davies, Fred
Davies, Miriam
Dawson, Fanny
Dean, Elsie Lorna
Dean, Joan Edwina
Delaney, Bessie
Denham, Christopher
Dentith, Frederick
Devenport, Ronnie
Dixon, Alice
Dobb, Edgar
Dolan, Ethel
Drinkwater, Alice
Drummond, Joseph
Dudley, Mary Rose
Dutton, Elaine
Earls, Doris
Earnshaw, William
Eddleston, Harold
Eddleston, Monica
Edge, Agnes
Evans, Bethel Anne
Everall, Hannah
Everall, Joseph Vincent
Farrell, Phyllis
Fernley, Marie Antoinette
Firman, Mary Elizabeth
Fish, Hilda
Fitton, Hilda
Fletcher, Dorothy
Fletcher, Elizabeth
Floyd, Arthur
Fogg, Leah
Foulkes, Edwin
Fowden, Thomas
Fox, Moira Ashton
France, John
Freeman, Harold
Freeman, Winifred
Frith, Hannah
Galpin, Minnie Doris Irene
Garlick, Rose
Garlick, Violet
Garratt, Mary Alice
Garside, Millicent
Gaskell, Marion
Gaunt, Mary
Gee, Nellie
Gess, Clifford
Givens, William
Goddard, Edith
Godfrey, Elsie
Golds, Annie Elizabeth
Gorton, Alice Maude
Graham, Edith
Gray, Rebecca
Greenhalgh, John Sheard
Grimshaw, Annie
Grimshaw, Muriel
Grundy, Donald Anthony
Grundy, Kathleen
Grundy, Nora
Hackney, Clara
Hackney, Clara
Hadfield, Violet
Hague, William
Hall, Josephine
Halliday, Frank
Hallsworth, Janet
Hamblett, Leonora
Hamer, Mary Emma
Hammond, Caroline Veronica
Hampson, Jesse
Hancock, Christine
Hannible, Elsie
Harding, Joan Milray
Harris, Charles
Harris, Harriet
Harrison, Christina
Harrison, David Alan
Harrison, Marion
Harrison, Muriel Eveline
Harrison, Samuel
Harrop, Elsie
Haslam, Mary Elizabeth
Hawkins, Sarah
Healey, Winifred
Heapey, Clifford Barnes
Heapey, Gladys
Heathcote, Irene
Heginbotham, Olive
Hennefer, Ellen
Hett, Mary Jane
Heywood, Ada
Heywood, Florence
Hibbert, Hilda Mary
Hickson, Robert
Higginbottom, George Eric
Higginbottom, Peter
Higgins, Barry
Higgins, Lily
Higham, Marion Elizabeth
Highley, Ruth
Higson, Ellen
Hill, Sarah Ann
Hillier, Pamela Marguerite
Hilton, Ada Matley
Hilton, John
Hirst, Emma
Holgate, Ethel Doris
Holland, Alline Devolle
Holt, Alice
Hopkins, Dorothy Doretta
Howcroft, John
Hulme, Hilda
Hurd, May
Iwanina, Jozef
Jackman, Harold Edward
Jackson, Maureen Lamonnier
Jackson, Nancy
Jameson, Ronald
Jeffries, Beatrice
Johnson, Norah
Johnson, Richard
Johnston, Leah
Jones, Alice Mary
Jones, David
Jones, Hannah
Jones, Ivy
Jones, Jane
Jones, Robert Edward
Jordan, Mary Ellen
Keating, Mary
Kellett, Ethel May
Kellett, Fred
Kelly, Ellen
Kelly, Moira
Kennedy, Alice
Killan, Charles Henry
King, Elsie
King, James Joseph
Kingsley, Mary
Kitchen, Alice Christine
Lacey, Renee
Leach, Florence
Leech, Edith
Leech, William Henry
Lees, Olive
Leigh, Carrie
Leigh, Joseph
Leigh, Wilfred
Lewis, Elsie
Lewis, Florence
Lewis, Peter
Lilley, Jean
Lingard, Robert Henry
Linn, Laura Frances
Livesey, John Louden
Llewellyn, Edna May
Lomas, Harry
Lomas, Ivy
Long, Dorothy
Longmate, Thomas Alfred
Lord, Jane Ellen
Lowe, Beatrice
Lowe, Esther
Lowe, May
Lyons, Eva
MacConnell, Charles
Mackenzie, Selina
Mackie, Christina McCulloch
Mansfield, Mary Ann
Mansfield, Walter
Marley, Martha
Marsland, Sarah Hannah
Matley, Maud
McDonald, Kathleen
McLaren, William James
McLoughlin, Gertrude
Melia, Joan May
Mellor, Elizabeth Ellen
Mellor, Samuel
Mellor, Winifred
Meredith, Oscar
Metcalfe, Margaret
Middleton, Deborah
Middleton, Mary
Mills, Samuel
Mitchell, Cyril
Mitchell, Wilbert
Molesdale, John Bennett
Morgan, Emily
Moss, Bertha
Moss, Hannah
Mottram, George Henry
Mottram, Hannah Helena
Mottram, Pamela Grace
Moult, Thomas
Mullen, Nellie
Mycock, Miriam Rose Emily
Needham, Nora
Nicholls, Violet
Nichols, Fanny
Nichols, Lily
Nuttall, Hervey
Nuttall, Norah
O'Sullivan, Thomas
Ogden, Mary
Oldham, Agnes
Oldham, Samuel
Oswald, Frances Elaine
Otter, Enid
Ousey, Margaret
Ovcar-Robinson, Konrad Peter
Overton, Renate Eldtraude
Oxley, Phyllis
Parker, Marjorie
Parkes, Annie
Parkin, Laura Victoria
Parr, Bertha
Pearce, Elizabeth
Pedley, Rosetta
Penney, Vara
Pickering, Leah
Pickup, Kenneth
Pickup, Mavis Mary
Pitman, Edith
Platt, Elsie
Platt, Marion
Pomfret, Bianka
Potts, Frances
Potts, Reginald
Powers, Annie Alexandra
Preston, Ada Marjorie
Prestwich, Alice
Proud, Ethel May
Quinn, Marie
Ralphs, Anne Lilian
Ralphs, Ernest Colin
Rawling, Alice
Reade, Audrey
Redfern, Tom
Renwick, Dorothea Hill
Richards, Jose Kathleen Diana
Richardson, Alice
Riley, Stanley
Roberts, Edith
Roberts, Esther Hannah
Roberts, Gladys
Robinson, Eileen
Robinson, Eveline
Robinson, Lavinia
Robinson, Mildred
Rogers, Elizabeth Ann
Rostron, Jane Frances
Rowarth, Dorothy
Rowbottom, Annie
Rowland, Jane Isabella
Royles, Elsie
Royston, Betty
Rudol, Ernest
Russell, Tom Balfour
Sankey, Margaret
Saunders, Albert Edward
Saunders, Gladys
Scott, Edith
Scott, Elsie
Sellors, Kate Maud
Sharples, Cicely
Shaw, Joseph
Shaw, Leonard
Shaw, Lilian
Shaw, Neville
Shaw, Susan Eveline
Shawcross, Edna
Shawcross, Ernest
Shawcross, Mabel
Shelmerdine, Jack Leslie
Shelmerdine, Jane Elizabeth
Shore, Lily
Sidebotham, Florence
Sigley, Elizabeth Teresa
Simpson, Kenneth Harry
Slater, Albert
Slater, Florence
Slater, Lena Norah
Slater, May
Smith, Alice
Smith, Dora Elizabeth
Smith, Emma
Smith, Kenneth Ernest
Smith, Margaret
Smith, Mary Alice
Smith, Sidney Arthur
Smith, Winifred Isabel
Sparkes, Monica Rene
Squirrell, Alice
Stafford, Harry
Stafford, Kate Elizabeth
Stansfield, Joe Ainscow
Stocks, Louisa
Stone, John
Stopford, Arthur Henderson
Stopford, Harriet
Strickland, Ruth
Sumner, Grace
Swann, Bessie
Swann, Robert
Swindells, Emmeline
Taylor, Caroline Mary
Taylor, Edna Mary
Taylor, Florence
Taylor, Lily Newby
Taylor, Mary
Tempest, Mary Ann
Thomas, Alice
Thomas, Sarah Ann
Thornton, Maria
Tideswell, Sarah
Tierney, Angela Philomena
Tingle, Walter
Toft, Beatrice
Tomlin, Mary
Townsend, Margaret
Tucker, Dorothy
Tuff, Mary
Tuffin, Winifred Amy
Turner, Frances Elizabeth
Turner, Irene
Uttley, Stanley
Vickers, Frederick
Vickers, Margaret Mary
Virgin, Lucy
Vizor, George Edgar
Vizor, May
Wagstaff, George Lawton
Wagstaff, Jessie Irene
Wagstaff, Laura Kathleen
Waldron, Margaret Anne
Walker, Edward
Walker, Ellen
Walker, Henrietta
Walker, Winifred Mary
Waller, Harry
Waller, Marjorie Hope
Walls, Mary
Walton, Sydney
Warburton, Ada
Ward, Maureen Alice
Ward, Minnie
Ward, Muriel Margaret
Ward, Percy
Wardle, Eric
Wareing, William Hill
Warren, May
Wass, Kathleen May
Watkins, Annie
West, Maria
Wharam, Ellen Frances
Wharmby, Lavinia
White, Mona Ashton
Whitehead, Amy
Whitham, Colin
Whittaker, Maureen
Whittaker, Violet Mary
Whittingslow, Vera
Whittle, Edith
Wibberley, Edith
Wilcockson, Joseph Frank
Wilkinson, Annie
Wilkinson, Maud
Williams, Albert Redvers
Williams, Emily
Williamson, Sarah Jane
Wills, Jack
Wilmore, Margaret
Wilson, Muriel Elsie
Wimpeney, Mark
Winston, George
Winston, Olive
Winterbottom, Mary
Wood, Annie
Wood, Charles Henry
Wood, Fanny
Wood, James
Woodhead, Joyce
Woodhead, Kenneth Wharmby

Also, see:
Which is about the incompetents rather than the serial killers, but a serial incompetent in the operating theatre can notch up quite a score!
I have the same last name as Harold and I am very sorry for the losses that these family members suffered at his hands. The loss and pain are I am sure, indescribable. It doesn't mean all doctors are bad though.
Please have the courtesy to post condolences when referring to victims of crime and not use them for a political agenda.
Of course you have to consider who controls the health care industry in this country and who makes the money. How many doctors are actually educated here in the U.S.?
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