Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Wild West

The Valero station near our house was the scene of a recent shoot-out, allegedly between a robbery suspect and local police.  Notice that almost all of the front windows were shot out.  Although our local newspaper covered this event, I never saw anything about it in the San Antonio paper.

         One hopes proper police procedures were followed.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the picture in our paper taken mere seconds after the suspect surrendered ? There are children within feet of the man . Our police obviously did not hold a perimeter that was still dangerous . As for the shooting ..... There are houses feet away from where the accounted for bullets landed. I am amazed innocent bystanders were not hit or nearly hit .
I have tried to be supportive of our officers and admit there are 3-4 that are trustworthy but I do not believe the officers that night were prepared or had decent training . Good officers don't have a wild shoot out in a heavily populated area or with kids running around the scene . Atrocious .

Anonymous said...

And even if proper procedures were NOT followed we the people will never know . Our l.e. agencies are carrying on with The Thin Blue Line of Lies and Covering bad actions . It starts at the bottom and goes to the Texas Rangers .