Wednesday, July 19, 2023




I “Vocct”, the author of this blog, have worked the same two jobs for financial reasons for many years, both outside my chosen field/s because they were all I could get. One job, my primary one, is fairly close to where I live, but the secondary one is an hour’s drive from my house, half on a freeway and the other half on a back road, and often late at night. While making this drive over the years, there have been numerous frightening and dangerous incidents: rocks and rockets launched at my vehicle, tailgating (sometimes by large trucks and even by marked law enforcement vehicles!), items placed in the road, “brightings” (high headlight beams suddenly aimed at me), and MUCH more.


A few years ago, a single male manager at my primary job came under the influence of two women with ties to my ex-husband and property development near my house and land. The manager was dating one of these women at the time and worked very closely with the other on a daily basis. When he made some remarks to me indicating the women had been telling him things about me that weren’t true, I became concerned about possible effects on my job, and I shared these concerns in some private emails to my friend Medawar. I never discussed these matters with anyone else, either in writing or verbally.


A day or two after my email exchange with Medawar, the manager called me into his office and told me I should quit my job working under him and do the long-distance one full-time. When I questioned him about why he was saying this, it immediately became apparent that he’d somehow had access to my private emails. I was furious about this and immediately emailed Medawar to let him know.


Medawar quickly responded to me with an email containing an open letter to the manager. I printed this letter out in case I needed to give it to him, but without my saying anything to anyone, the next day fellow employees informed me that the manager was seen off by himself weeping. And two weeks later, the manager was suddenly gone, supposedly after accepting an early retirement package.


Since then, Medawar’s letter has remained in my private email and I have not shown my printed copy of it to anyone. Recently, however, I have been stopped from serving my employers and more especially their customers as well as I would have liked to. This reached the point where some customers have remarked that they see me being treated unfairly, though more customers are simply confused by the strange behavior of colleagues and a few “planted” non-customers towards me. Current managers at my primary job have now cut my work hours from full-time to part-time, which drastically cuts my benefits as well as my income. The managers have also informed me directly that they expect me to make up the missing work hours at my other job, meaning they want me driving more at night. I am an older female at a point in my life where natural age-related changes in the eyes begin to cause eye fatigue and increasing problems with vision at night, not to mention the physical and mental fatigue caused by working long hours at a very physically demanding job, facts the people trying to force me to be on the road so much are well aware of.


I am an important witness in several major ongoing criminal investigations, so my personal safety is a concern. That plus the terrible and completely unwarranted treatment at my primary job caused me to ask Medawar if I could post a redacted version of his original letter, since it had obviously been illegally accessed and read already, as a reminder and a warning . He agreed and then did me one better by updating it.


Here then are Medawar’s words of warning. I can only add that I am extremely grateful for the help and support they give.



Dear [Manager/s],


Your reported behavior indicates that you have been told more than one thing about [Vocct] that is not actually true (but very artfully contrived), and that you are acting in, whether you realize this or not, the interests of her ex-husband and his property-speculator buddies.


You may think, in a fit of self-righteous rage, that this does not matter and you can do it anyway: after all "it's not a Federal offence!" But actually it is, in two ways:

Reading [Vocct's] e-mail, such as this one, is a Federal Offence all by itself, albeit a relatively minor one.


But taking part in her ex-husband's psychotic schemes to harass and persecute [Vocct], with the probable ultimate aim, from [her ex-husband's] point of view at least, of causing her "accidental" demise at some point after years of misery, is a much more serious Federal offence called "Denial of Rights". See:


Just by taking part you are exposing yourself to a ten-year Federal jail term and notoriety that would make you unemployable in any responsible or rewarding position for life.

But, should the conspiracy achieve what [Vocct’s ex-husband] wants it to achieve, you and every other participant, which may include people you care for, would be eligible for a Federal Death sentence.

These have been carried out only very rarely throughout American history, but you currently enjoy the rule of a very direct-acting President who sees no reason whatsoever why Federal death penalties should not be applied where appropriate.


Most of [Vocct’s ex-husband's] accomplices are motivated by the (at this stage hypothetical) money they might make by appropriating [Vocct's] lawful property and developing it commercially. It is in the nature of this kind of conspiracy that it acts like a pyramid selling scheme and that kind of reward will have already been promised to far more individuals than there will be resources from which the rewards could be taken. This does not matter to [Vocct’s ex-husband] one jot, because he only needs the promise of money to get people to do his will, and his actual objective is [Vocct's] slow and painful destruction in a way that will profit no-one except him, and that not in any healthy way.


[Manager/s], this is your chance to not be one of [the ex-husband's] patsies and to not comprehensively destroy your own life in an impulsive attempt to "squash [Vocct] like a bug."


[Vocct’s ex-husband] and his buddies are skating on very much thinner ice than they think they are and there has been an open criminal intelligence file on him and one of his closest associates on the UK's Police National Computer system for a decade. By helping him, even in a small way, you will be volunteering for more trouble that you can comprehend to land on your head one fine day. The file is sitting there gathering information all the time, and that includes about everyone who helps [Vocct’s ex-husband] do what he does. (Which appears to include matters pertaining to commercially and technically-sensitive privileged information about offshore energy platform contracts in Scotland and serious crimes against the person in both England and Scotland. (He may never have been to Wales, but Wales and England have the same legal system, with local variation in individual laws and taxes as the Senned Cymru sees fit.))


[Vocct] has not taken anything from anyone, she is guilty only of having won about one tenth of a fair settlement from a divorce court, for a divorce in which she was a completely innocent and passive party.


This is your one and only chance not to be a twannock.



Saturday, March 4, 2023

Response to Dr. Williams: A More Complete Timeline

 Note: Discussions with my friend Medawar contributed significantly to this piece.


A recent issue of the local newspaper here contained a lengthy op-ed piece penned by Dr. Michael Williams, a former head of the local hospital, regarding the recent highly controversial sale of the hospital to the Methodist system and the behemoth HCA. In his piece, Dr. Williams gave quite a bit of good information on the history of the hospital in a timeline-type format—much more detail than I’ve previously seen anywhere else. However, the information he gave on a subject I happen to have considerable knowledge on doesn’t go nearly far enough in explaining both the relevant history of the hospital and what’s really going on. In fact, despite how lengthy and detailed his information is, I estimate that he has omitted at least two-thirds of the facts needed in order to truly understand what’s going on with this issue. I intend to fill in many of the gaps here.

I agree completely with Dr. Williams that in order to fully understand the situation with the local hospital, you do have to delve deeply into its history. The relevant history actually begins in 1973, when witnesses who were there at the time told me a man drove his pickup truck up to the entrance of the emergency room, got out, went inside, and announced without any discernible emotion, “The body is in the truck.” Upon hearing this, medical personnel rushed outside and opened the truck doors—to find no one there. But then they looked into the bed of the truck—and were shocked to see the nearly decapitated and obviously dead body of a teenage girl. It was the man’s daughter, and her body had been tossed into the back of the truck like a dead deer. At that point, a second pickup pulled up, driven by a new young police officer who happened to also be a close family friend of the man and his family. This officer immediately took charge of the situation. And so, the Great Cover-Up began, with the local hospital front and center right from the start.

You see, the father of the dead girl (and his father before him) was extremely well-connected politically and professionally, and for personal reasons, was also extremely desperate to cover up the truth about what had happened to his daughter. He was not himself the killer, but he knew who was, and the truth would have ruined him in his estimation. So he used every tool at his disposal: very high level connections, threats, lies, and more to make sure his version of the truth (that his daughter’s death happened later at the hospital after lifesaving measures were attempted and that the death was accidental) was the only one given out. Which could never completely work, given that this is a small town where gossip runs rampant, but he was absolutely determined to conceal the truth anyway, and so he did. The hospital and law enforcement at all levels were involved in the cover-up.

All of this told the girl’s actual killer that he could do anything he wanted to without fear of prosecution, so he began to do exactly that. Preventable tragedies began to spread outward like ripples in a pond. But this killer was highly intelligent as well as psychopathic. [Note from Medawar: Being a psychopath is an emotional handicap rather than a mental one.] The killer went off to college and medical school and became a doctor, after which of course he came back here to practice where he was a very big fish indeed. He learned to fly as well and obtained a pilot’s license and several planes, which caused the ripples to spread out even further. And, most importantly for the topic at hand, he became Chief of Staff at the hospital for many years (because, again, no one could or would touch him).

At some point this doctor and his friends realized that the biggest money of all could be made by building and opening, and most importantly, owning an ambulatory surgery center. This would be in direct competition with the local hospital though, and would siphon off most of the funds from the hospital, so the doctor and his friends began to run the hospital, which was non-profit and publicly owned, into the ground.

The doctor also became desperate to own the land the new ambulatory surgery center was to be built on because of the huge potential amounts of money to be made. This was when I began to be a big problem for him, because I owned the main tract near the hospital that was the perfect, and therefore the intended, site.

By 1999, plans for the new center must have been in full swing, because there had been a series of strange new incidents over the previous year or so (that I can’t go into right now). It was then that the second death critical to the hospital’s current situation took place. Because everything these days has become international, a very well-known and much-loved public figure from another country came to know about this area and, by virtue of having trained a young journalist who ran afoul of the local medical community and their friends in law enforcement and high-level politics by filing a malpractice suit, what was happening here. They either were, or were assumed to be, planning to publicize it all hugely because it would have been a major news story, but this never happened because the foreign public figure was shot to death in a brazen killing that was clearly done by a professional. This high-profile murder sent shock waves around the globe that still reverberate today.

Immediately after this killing, residents of at least one neighboring community and their small hospital began putting as much distance between themselves and the doctor and hospital here as possible, but rumors and quiet whispers were rampant. Then in the foreign country where the high-profile murder had taken place, a man who was obviously not guilty was arrested and charged with the killing. The minute he was arrested, the attempts to obtain my land either illegally or on the cheap began again, at first semi-seriously and, the moment the obvious patsy was convicted, in earnest [causing me to start this blog!].

This man spent several years wrongly incarcerated. Investigative journalists from the victim’s own organization became involved at the request of the wrongly-convicted man’s sister, and they eventually got his conviction overturned and him freed despite potentially contemptuous letters to three appeal court judges written by a different colleague of the victim instructing them to deny the appeal!

Also, immediately after the 1999 high-profile murder in the other country, people who owned property around me suddenly began dying under various suspicious circumstances. The first of these deaths that I know of was in or around 2000, the second was in 2001, and there were three in the first four months of 2003, one of which was the woman who lived on the place next to mine. She was shot execution-style, and her death was ruled a suicide despite there being two bullets in her head, not one.

Meanwhile, the man who had lost his daughter had been a driving force behind the local hospital almost from the start, and when he saw the entity he’d worked so hard for being run into the ground deliberately, he fought back. He had always made sure he controlled the hospital board and finances. Now he used his high-level connections and helped Dr. Williams, the new CEO who was already well-respected locally but without any ties to any clique, attract experts (production engineers as well as physicians) from the outside to run the hospital properly. They turned things around, and the hospital won awards and accolades under their tenure. They also purchased property a little further out of town with an eye toward expanding the hospital facilities in the future in a nearby and more easily accessible location that was more open and level and would allow more room for expansion.

But this was not to last. The man who’d lost his daughter in 1973 (who was no saint, by the way; he could be quite ruthless himself, but he had his reasons for keeping the hospital in good shape) became seriously ill and died in 2014. At which point all the people who’d done so much to improve the hospital were ousted and the hospital began to be run into the ground again. And low and behold! the focus was once again on the group of doctors (plus at least one local attorney and one local dentist) who still desperately wanted to start their own ambulatory surgical center that would compete with the hospital and siphon off the most profitable parts of its income into their personal pockets. Because the intent was to bleed the hospital dry financially, of course it needed to be sold off while it was still a going concern to make someone else take the losses. (No doubt the fact that the hospital is no longer locally owned and run but the new ambulatory surgical center is will be extremely well publicized, too!) It’s also worth noting in this regard that the hospital foundation, Wellness Center, Rehab Center, and other related entities that would not compete with the planned outpatient surgery facility were kept out of the recent sale of the hospital. And sure enough, I’m once again receiving ridiculously low offers for my property from all sorts of people, companies, and groups who all claim to have no connections whatsoever to the doctor and his friends, and the property intended for expansion is now slated for development as a subdivision instead.

My own hospital-related timeline complete for now, it’s time to talk about how to move forward—properly versus “business as usual”. The tragic truth is that the original lies and coverups starting at the local hospital back in 1973 have allowed a shocking number of additional homicides and other criminal acts to take place over many years that should never, ever have been allowed to happen. These truths are now public knowledge, so continuing to try and deny them only makes the whole situation worse. And the inescapable truth is that the hospital here is now forever tied to what is probably the most high-profile murder case of the late twentieth century—by the same person who is now behind the undermining of the hospital for personal profit—and that this fact is widely known both here and abroad where the crime took place. And because countries tend to get upset when persons from outside their borders come in and execute their most popular citizens, you can bet they’re never going to stop seeking justice. In fact, there continues to be an open and active investigation into this particular homicide that has already cost that country the equivalent of millions of dollars. There are no statutes of limitations on murder cases there, either, so all law enforcement has to do is sit back and wait until it’s politically expedient to make their move. Personally, I wouldn’t want that hanging over my head and the preventable deaths and serious crimes that were never stopped to be on my conscience.

I say it’s time to start being proactive: to tell the whole story connected with the local hospital, not just part of it; to put a stop to all the wrongdoing, not just the most convenient parts; and to demand a complete accounting of exactly what was paid for our hospital and exactly who gets (or gets control of) that money, down to the last penny. Whether you like it or not, the whole world really is watching.