Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hill Country Holidays

December is pot-harvesting time in Mexico, which means the annual holiday influx of semi-trucks to local ranches with large barns and/or warehouses (especially the ones along side roads close to I-10) has begun and all manner of vehicles are paraded in front of our house (especially various types of trailers, buses, and RVs) because the dopers know I don't like it. Several times in the past, pickup trucks with open backs and clearly visible loads have been driven past me while I'm out walking my dog in the evening, but more commonly drugs are concealed in some sort of outrageous and/or unusual cargo: lawn ornaments, porta-potties, stock trailers, furniture, appliances, junk, etc. Watch for the most outrageous vehicles on the road--orange or purple trim, silly custom license plates, huge mudflaps with silly logos, etc. Also look on the major street corners for someone hanging around who looks unusual in some way (Tweety Bird hanging from their purse, weird shopping bag, CD case, etc.). No one ever seems to get arrested, except for the occasional Hispanic competitor; it always just seems to be business as usual around here, and it appears to be very big business indeed.

Meanwhile, my children and I see the toll unchecked drugs take on our community, especially in the schools. The local head of Child Protective Services was once quoted in the local paper as saying that drugs were rampant in our community, but no one seems to care enough to turn down the money they make from running loads or selling to tourists or to do anything about the usage problems. We are already running the risk of losing our entire younger generation to drugs and alcohol here, and it's a terrible thing to watch.


Anonymous said...

drugs drugs drugs everywhere, how does our writer know which portapotties or tweety birds have drugs???????? because they are EVERYWHERE

and unusual people on the streets? geez look in a freakin mirror for this.

so far you have identified exactly zero unknown crimes
this posting is the best one of all to demonstrate paranoid personality disorder (dsm 4)

ML said...

Please see my new post entitled "Pickups And Port-A-Potties" (12/16/10).