As stated previously, I've been advised that it's important for me to document my inability to find proper legal representation for myself and my children despite my many years of constantly searching, so periodically I'm posting examples of my dealings with various attorneys and organizations. Again, these are in no particular order; the numbers I'm assigning them are only for identification purposes within my blog.
I've discussed this particular lawyer before, but I feel the need to go into more detail about him because my dealings with him were so different from what I generally encounter. (Attorneys usually either refuse to even speak with me on the phone when they hear who I am, stall for several weeks in various ways and then refuse to speak with me, or try to con me by insisting I sign over a portion of my land to them before they'll represent us and then get very uncomfortable when they realize I know what's going on. Note: The lawyers in the latter group are usually the ones I've been referred to by the state bar association's referral service.)
I'd heard that a woman in our town had filed a major lawsuit against the local hospital and others over the wrongful death of her husband. This suit was suddenly dropped, and it was rumored that she had received a substantial settlement privately. It just so happened that I was a client of the business where she worked and knew her slightly, so one day I asked her about who had represented her. She replied that her lawyer had been a relative of hers from Boerne and that she would call me that evening with his name and contact information. She did call me later, and she gave me the contact information for a well-known Boerne attorney whom I knew to have represented some very high-profile clients.
I wrote to this attorney asking him to help us, and I sent him a summary of our case and sample documentation. To my pleasant surprise, his staff called and said he would meet with me, so I made an appointment. I was specifically instructed to bring the fraudulent trust document with me when I came, but instead of bringing the original document, I took a very high-quality color copy of the document. I also brought along a substantial amount of additional documentation (also all copies).
When I arrived for my appointment, I used the restroom in the hallway outside the law office and then went inside and checked in with the receptionist. I was asked to sit in the waiting area, where I waited for about 30 minutes. Finally, the lawyer came out, introduced himself to me, and then asked me to remain in the waiting area while he checked the restrooms. To my amazement, I watched him go out into the hallway and go into both the men's and women's restrooms briefly as if looking for someone. He then came back into the office, told me he was ready to see me, and escorted me back to his office.
Once I'd sat down in the lawyer's office and told him my story, he asked to see the fraudulent trust document, so I pulled out a folder containing the copy I'd brought and gave it to him. He glanced at it quickly and asked if he could hang onto it so he could study it further; I told him he could. He then began to ask me a lot of questions about where I'd filed complaints, and he wanted contact information for each person I'd talked to in law enforcement, which I gave him. I asked him about his fees and how much he would need as a retainer, but as soon as I'd asked him this, he said he couldn't accept a retainer from me and that he still wasn't sure he could represent us.
At that point, I started to become very uneasy about the whole situation with him. I asked him what the problem was, and he became evasive and said again that he just needed more time to study the fraudulent trust document. I asked him how long this would take because I was anxious for us to have some legal protection as soon as possible, and again he became evasive about whether he could represent my children and me or not and said he'd have to get back to me on it. Then as I was getting my things together to leave, he told me to be very careful driving home because he'd had four previous clients who'd been murdered. At that, I remember feeling the hair on the baON