Unknown man found next to his Ford pickup in front of the entrance gate to his ranch along Highway 16 south of Llano in the 1980s or 1990s who supposedly died when his truck slipped into reverse from park while he was opening his gate
Unknown woman found in a bathtub in a rented ranch house just south of Llano (see "The Lady In The Bathtub" post below)
Unknown U. of Texas student (25) killed in a car wreck just north of Fredericksburg on Highway 16 and mentioned in a 4/6/03 newspaper article in the local paper
Skeletal remains found in Kerr County and mentioned in a Kerrville Daily Times article on 10/11/03 (Note: My youngest child and I saw a Kerr County K-9 car parked in front of my ex-husband's office around 7 AM on the Monday following the discovery of these remains.)
Fredericksburg man who supposedly shot himself during a police chase, according to a 10/30/03 article in the Fredericksburg Standard (The Fredericksburg police chief, a life-long close friend of my ex-husband's, was apparently involved in this incident according to the article.)
Mason man supposedly found dead while hunting according to a 1/16/05 article in the San Antonio Express-News
Comfort man who was found dead beside the road according to a 9/2/05 article in the Kerrville Daily Times (I asked the San Antonio Express-News to identify this man and they refused to do so.)
Kerrville man who was the subject of a 10/24/05 article in the Kerrville Daily Times
Man found dead beside a road in Kerr County on the same day that another man was also found dead beside a road elsewhere in Kerr County according to the 8/28/06 Kerrville Daily Times; the other man was identified as Richard Gonzales, 47
Boerne man found burned to death in Kerrville, according to a 12/16/06 article in the Kerrville Daily Times
Man found dead near Loop 410 and Vance Jackson in San Antonio according to a small article in the 3/14/09 San Antonio Express-News (As far as I know, there was no other mention of this death in the media, which is unusual because there have been many other homicides/suspicious deaths in that area that have been reported on in more detail. Also, my ex-husband has very close associates in that area.)
Man killed in Kerrville on 4/22/09, supposedly when a gazebo he was helping to build fell on him; he supposedly worked for a Fredericksburg construction company; there was only one article about this in the Kerrville Daily Times and no San Antonio media coverage at all (very unusual)
Skeletal remains found in March 2010 under an I-10 overpass in Kendall County, about 16 miles east of Kerrville; no clothing or personal items found with the bones
As I said, this is only a partial list. I will try to periodically update it, especially if I receive additional information.
If you have any additional information about any of these people, I'd really appreciate your either leaving it as a comment after this post or emailing it to me at kamaudocs@gmail.com.

mary lou, you ar very aware your mom was a good person and now you are accusing her of conspiring against you 35+ years ago so you could ge a date with a mobster?
it is not just sick it is evil
Obviously the above comment does not go with this post.
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