This is the reply I received from the Texas Access to Justice Foundation when I contacted them asking for help in finding proper legal representation. Texas RioGrande Legal Aid told me I didn't qualify financially for their help. My problems with the State Bar of Texas' referral services you already know about if you keep up with my blog.
This is one example of what domestic violence and abuse expert Alexis A. Moore calls "the domestic violence run-around": the passing of victims from one agency to another rather than providing them with actual assistance. Sadly, shockingly high percentages of victims experience this--often from agencies that accept public funds and contributions that are supposed to be used to help victims.
I have LOTS of these types of replies, and I will be posting more of them in the future in order to document what victims are subjected to. As Ms. Moore has said many times, what victims need are 1) individual advocacy, and 2) accountability from organizations accepting money to help them. If you agree, please go to Ms. Moore's website and sign the online petition she has posted there.
1 comment:
I forgot to mention that I contacted them because I believed they might be the organization the ACLU referred me to (see "The ACLU", posted 5/5/10; first document shown).
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