Friday, November 26, 2010

Looking Back With A Book Review

November seems to be a good time to remember the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This article was published in the San Antonio Express-News on 8/21/03.

The author of the book in question claims to have evidence that LBJ was behind the murder. Certainly LBJ was known to covet power above all else, and to covet the presidency in particular, so this theory seems quite plausible. (In my experience, simplest explanations are usually the best ones.)

For readers living elsewhere, the LBJ ranch is located at Stonewall, Texas and is close to where I live. Does this mean JFK might have been a victim of organized crime in Central Texas? Coincidentally, the most recent Conspiracy Theory show with Jesse Ventura on TRU-TV also seemed to come to the same conclusion, although by different means.

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