Note: This post benefited greatly from discussions I had with Medawar on the subject. He should be considered a co-author of the material that follows.
I've posted information on suspicious deaths in the area around Comfort, Texas before: see "I-10 At Comfort" (9/3/09) and "The Case Of The Dropped Driver's License" (9/11/10).
Now it's time for a different kind of discussion about deaths and Comfort, Texas. These articles, which were published recently in the San Antonio Express-News, describe an apparent "industry of death" being established near Comfort that is disturbing on several different levels.
At the very least, it sounds suspiciously like a scam designed to get people to sign over all their assets to trusts controlled by others. Maybe my viewpoint is colored more than a tad by my own victimization involving a fraudulent trust (for more on this, see the very beginning of this blog), but I can't see why it takes everything you have in the world to insure your after-life care, especially since you won't actually be around to oversee its distribution. I would certainly like to have more information on who would actually be controlling these trusts after their signers are safely installed within this facility!
Then there's the issue of the disposal of the remainder of the bodies when only the heads are retained. The fact that liquid nitrogen is already present in the facility in large amounts allows one to conjure up the image of the remainder of these bodies being flash-frozen until solid/brittle and then being dropped from a height onto a hard surface or being pounded by a machine into a million tiny pieces that could be sold as animal feed or fertilizer. Yes, I'm aware that Myth Busters supposedly busted the myth about bodies being disposed of in this way, but remember that this company has to be disposing of large numbers of bodies somehow.
Whatever is or is not actually going on at the facility, I find the idea of disposing of bodies on an industrial scale deeply disturbing and rife with the potential for serious misuse. Think how easy it would be for organized crime to dispose of sex trafficking victims, drug cartel informants, inconvenient spouses, and the like in a way that not only instantly obliterates the deceased, but also co- mingles their DNA so it can no longer be identified.
Then there's the even more disturbing possibility that people might still be alive when flash-frozen. If that were the case, what you would have here would be an industrial-scale death camp exponentially more efficient than those of the Nazis.
Hopefully, all my concerns about this facility are strictly hypothetical, but my confidence in this is not exactly boosted when I see published statements about how much time and effort was put into searching for the right location for this operation, since I'm well aware of the amount and extent of organized crime and high-level connections of various kinds already well-established in this area. Even more chilling [pun intended!] is the name of the owning company, Stasis, which happens to be the plural of Stasi; for more on the importance of this, please refer back to "Empire Builders", posted here on 10/30/10. And various people I correspond with tell me there are more of these facilities elsewhere in the U.S. (California, for example).

Update, 2/10/12: