As discussed previously here in "He Said" (9/17/09), a former Secret Service agent named Ferrier was willing to lie in court about the authenticity of my initials on a document. When I contacted my lawyer at the time (the most recent attorney I had to fire for conning and misrepresenting me) with a copy of the partial ad shown here and asked if the woman shown was his wife, Ferrier quickly withdrew from his position as Ed Hodges' expert witness and was replaced with someone else (see "I Was Told He Said", 9/18/09).
As I told my lawyer at the time, I was concerned that the ad might have been placed by a woman related to Ferrier (his wife?) and that it potentially tied him to the local real estate market, which would tie him to my former father-in-law and also with what was going on with my property and our neighborhood. I also told this lawyer about a younger man named Ferrier (his son?) who worked with my ex-husband.
I was concerned as well because my ex-husband had been reimbursing me for some of the children's medical expenses with checks drawn off a Wisconsin account near where Ferrier was from. I knew of no other ties my ex- might have had to that state.
Just recently, on 7/9/10 at 8:45 PM, my kids and I discovered a woman who looked a lot like the one in the photo above blatantly trespassing by standing in the middle of our front yard with a small gray fluffy dog on a leash. I went out and warned her not to trespass again or I'd have to press charges, and she left (walking very slowly).
Today one of my children showed me a posting on my ex-husband's Facebook page made by this same woman but with an additional last name added on the end. From the posting, it's obvious they are good buddies. What I assume is the woman's maiden name, Mayer, is a local name.
mary lou
there is no relation whatever with your expert witness and emily. you look really stupid when you draw these conclusions with zero evidence.
it's probably too late but you should shut your pie hole at the risk of being branded even crazier than you are
Oh No Mary Lou never prints peoples names here (this is what she always claims). She just puts their pictures and names up in an add for all to see and then makes up some wild story to make them look bad ,despite the fact she obviously does not know them. ML you are a disgusting sack of crap. There is a special place in hell reserved for you.
As a rule, I don't identify people, but in this case I did decide to because my lawyer at the time told me the letter signed by Mr. Farrier was being entered into the public record as part of a court case. (This is the letter posted at "He Said" as mentioned above.) I knew for a fact that what Mr. Farrier stated in his letter was utterly false, and I was so shocked that someone with his extensive background in law enforcement would be willing to give false testimony in court that I felt in his case it was important to identify him in case there were other people he had done this to.
this of course had nothing at all to do with emily yet it didnt stop you from speculating, jerk. ass.
youv'e spelled the document guy both farrier and ferrier are you telling me that emily last name isnt even spelled the same?? what a slimy jerk ass you truly are!
Thank you for catching this for me. My spell-checker wants to "correct" the spelling for me all the time, and sometimes I don't catch the fact that it's been changed.
mary "lying "lou strikes again caught in another lie she says thanks for pointing out the errror anand blames the spell checker
what a crock mary"lying looney"
OH .. you're crazy, too. ME TOO!!! We have "farriors" here. I have news for you which you have probably LONG suspected. It is VERY VERY common at least here to hide these people AND PAY THEM under a slightly changed name. Humphrey becomes Mumphry. Ferrier becomes farrier, deluna is luna, we have many latinos here so that is a SPECTACULARLY LARGE AREA TO HIDE THEM IN. I had my family member check a guy's work schedule to get his last name after he started following me and family members said .. indeed IT IS mumphrey. No. It was humphrey. The latinos will shorten or lengthen or add a second name. You know when the employer is cooperating in hiding the person, it's a BIG BIG DEAL. I mean a lot of places will shrug off that one letter thing... (oops) or take a simple explanation. BUT it makes it harder to trach down whot he person actually is and their assoctiations. I've gotten very good at just switching out a fwe letters and findind my perp. For instance there is a denise comparetto who spelled her name comparitto. The clue is you'll FIND NOTHING. So you start switching out the vowels and changing a bit here and there and you find your name. Lord only konws what is actually on their birth certificate OR if they were even "born." LOL.
Oh. Our farriors which are probably also ferrior AND farrier it helps disguise their familial deals too.... are disgusting. They are ignorant, married in to the corp I know is stalking me, inbred (not an insult a fact) are lawyers, eye doctors, nutbags and etc. I have no doubt there is some relation. Might help explain why so many TEXANS stalk me HERE. And also in other places. I think the texas plate is ugly. I did consider maybe I should stop being crazy and stupid and MOVE THERE and lap up some of that easy life that leaves slobs with enough free time to run around the country stalking others. I can't wait til you come and read comments. I VERY MUCH look forward to making their world smaller. I know they are upset I am here because I kept going offline and losing my commetns. I know I have commented a lot here. Our experiences are remarkably similar. IF you had just started blogging last year I would have really wondered if you were a dupe but you've been at this long enough I know you are genuine.
Never mind them calling you names. It's ALL THEY HAVE.
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