Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What's The Buzz?
Yesterday, a few minutes after one of my kids left to go back to school after coming home for lunch, one of my adult children and I were just finishing our own lunches when we were suddenly startled by a group of five, black, smallish, military-looking helicopters that came zooming past our kitchen window. These were flying single-file, in very close succession, fairly low, and came fairly close to our house (close enough to definitely get our attention!). We watched as all five (still in a line) turned directly over the gully just west of ours that is under so much heavy construction and then flew off in the general direction of the local airport. My kids and I have never seen anything like this before. [Coincidentally, the property the helicopters turned over is supposedly being developed by a pilot friend of my ex-husband's and his physician wife. I believe this property formerly belonged to one of the suspicious death victims described in the "My Story" blog below.]
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Illegal Surveillance Summary

Copy of an ad published in the San Antonio Express-News
In Part I (posted here on 11/3/09), I documented the fact that a substantial amount of my own money was used without my knowledge to purchase sophisticated federal surveillance equipment. [Note: I can provide additional financial and other documents showing the money trail for this.]
In Part II (posted here on 11/7/09), I documented the fact that Diop Kamau of the Police Complaint Center had knowledge of sophisticated/expensive surveillance and other equipment installed on my property and that he repeatedly refused to provide me with information on either the type of equipment installed on my property or where it was located. I also documented the fact that an unlicensed investigator working for Kamau named Greg Slate (who may have ties to this area, has been described by Kamau on the internet as having access to and frequently using very sophisticated surveillance and computer equipment, and whom I allowed into my home at Kamau’s insistence before I knew all this) admitted to trespassing on my property remove some sort of equipment when I began to confront Kamau.
In Part III (posted here on 11/13/09), I documented serious threats made by Diop Kamau of an illegal invasion of our home by Greg Slate and local law enforcement officers to remove unspecified equipment immediately after I’d contacted a personal injury lawyer about a possible lawsuit. I also documented the fact that Diop Kamau himself mentioned that he had connections to my ex-husband and local law enforcement. Finally, I documented and discussed the failure of high-level state and federal law enforcement to do anything to help us, despite my repeated pleas that they do so. [There is considerable additional documentation of this posted at my other blog, http://kamaudocs.blogspot.com.]
In Part IV (posted here on 11/14/09), I documented the fact that a law enforcement investigator named Rob Jones, whom Kamau stated in Part II worked for him, somehow illegally obtained two pages of my private fax to the personal injury lawyer and brazenly emailed them back to me as a fake eFax just to let me know he had them. I also discussed the fact that Kamau had originally told me Jones was from Texas but later said Jones was from Kentucky, after which I realized Kamau and others might be trying to use Jones to explain away stamped markings on the backs of my cancelled checks to Kamau (shown in my 8/28/09 posting here entitled “Check Connections”) that potentially tied Kamau to my father (a known close associate of my ex-husband’s). [An additional potential link between Kamau and my ex-husband is posted on the kamaudocs site as “Kamau 51”.] Finally, I discussed the fact that I had also received an email I considered a death threat from Jones (shown here in my 10/3/09 post here entitled “Other Police Threats“) and rumors that Jones actually worked for our local D.A.
These documents are also posted at my kamaudocs blog, along with substantial additional documentation. In 2005, local first responders were in trouble over missing surveillance equipment., as reported by the San Antonio Express-News. I have previously discussed the fact that over $30 million worth of Homeland Security equipment has been reported as missing and that some of this is sophisticated surveillance equipment (see also my 6/19/09 post here entitled “Serious Concern”). The lifelong close friendship between my ex-husband, his family, and the local police chief has been documented numerous times on both of my blogs (see especially “Kamau 155” at the kamaudocs blog).
I believe all of this taken together shows that my ex-husband has conspired with multiple other persons, including law enforcement officers, to cruelly use my own money multiple times to purchase sophisticated surveillance and other equipment that was then illegally installed inside our home and vehicles and outside on our property and used to criminally stalk and harass us for years. Further, because my children and I have logged and documented in the past and continue to log and document serious incidents where numerous people (both known and unknown to us) clearly have detailed information regarding incidents and conversations taking place within the privacy of our home and vehicles, we believe this illegal surveillance is ongoing and is being provided to numerous others, including law enforcement.
In my kamaudocs blog mentioned above, I also document my numerous appeals to high-level state and federal law enforcement for relief from and prosecution of the illegal surveillance of us. You can see the U.S. Department of Justice’s shocking response posted below (my 9/20/09 post entitled “Response From DOJ“). Meanwhile, we have daily reminders that that the illegal surveillance of us continues unabated.
I don’t know how or when the U.S. became a secret police state where stalking, harassment, and illegal surveillance using federal law enforcement equipment for purposes of domestic abuse became acceptable to law enforcement and other with access to it; I only know that it has, since the DOJ and DHS clearly know all about it yet continue to refuse to do anything about it. Domestic violence czar Lynn Rosenthal has also been made aware of our situation, and she too continues to refuse to respond in any way to our requests for help and relief. (Is it any wonder prominent locals are suddenly writing frantic letters to the local newspaper asking the community to consider how they will be viewed historically in the future?)
There are very important things EVERY reader of this blog can (and should!) do to stop this. Contact your representatives in Congress to demand a full accounting for missing state and federal equipment that was paid for with taxpayer money, insist on proof that state and federal law enforcement and surveillance equipment is not being used for illegal purposes like stalking, harassment, and organized crime (especially drug trafficking), and make it clear that you expect the U.S. Department of Justice to fully and aggressively prosecute any and all criminal acts related to this. Send a short email to President Obama and Vice President Biden letting them know you are aware of the situation here and that it’s not acceptable. You can also contact media representatives and insist that they investigate the situation here and report it fully (see my 9/20/09 blog post here entitled “A Reporter Said“).
Finally, it goes without saying that persons with knowledge of criminal acts are required by law to report such acts to law enforcement in a timely manner or face possible prosecution themselves. The national FBI.gov website has a secure webform for submitting information that takes only a few minutes to fill out and submit, so there are no excuses for failing to report information on known illegal acts. Persons who knowingly access illegal surveillance should be especially concerned about this.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Illegal Surveillance, Part IV

After I faxed the personal injury lawyer and mass panic apparently erupted among Diop Kamau, local police, and my ex-husband as described in the previous post, two additional things happened: I received the email I believe was a death threat from Investigator Rob Jones as described in my 10/3/09 posting entitled “Other Police Threats”, and I received a second email, also from Jones, that is posted here.
This second email from Jones consisted of a page that appeared to be an eFax with two pages of documents attached to it. The eFax said it was from my correct, unlisted, phone/fax number—but I’ve never had an eFax account of any kind! (although at one point, p.i. Ed Hodges did try unsuccessfully to get me to set one up). Of even more serious concern was the fact that the two pages of documents attached to this were two pages from my private fax to the personal injury lawyer (discussed in the previous post) that I’d sent by regular fax. I’m absolutely positive about this because one of the pages has a handwritten notation I’d made on it right before I’d faxed it to the attorney.
I called eFax and verified that they had no account using my phone number, so the main emailed page has to be a fake eFax. There are only three possible ways I know of for Jones to have obtained the two pages attached to this email: either 1) the personal injury lawyer gave them to him without my knowledge or consent; 2) the lawyer provided them to someone else who sent them on to Jones, also without my knowledge or consent; or 3) someone illegally intercepted my fax. When I’d talked to agents at the San Antonio FBI office the previous summer after first confronting Diop Kamau (who told me Jones worked for him), one of the first things agents there said to me was that they were positive our phone and fax line was secure, which I remember thinking was odd, because they’d offered this information to me without my having asked for it.
My own personal opinion is that this email probably proves illegal interception of my private fax by law enforcement. In any case, I believe Jones brazenly emailed it back to me with the fake eFax just to let me know he had it because he and his associates were angry with me for having contacted the personal injury lawyer and filing a complaint with high-level state and federal law enforcement as shown by one of the attached pages. This email also reinforces the connection between Jones and Kamau, because as you can see, Jones sent Kamau a copy of it.
Diop Kamau originally told me that Rob Jones worked for him (Kamau) and was from Texas. Later, Kamau and others said Jones was from Kentucky, but I believe this may have been because Kamau and others were desperate to try and find a way to explain the Kentucky stamps on the back of my cancelled checks to Kamau as shown in my 8/28/09 “Check Connections” blog posting. (These stamps may actually link Kamau to my father, who lives in KY and has major ties to Philadelphia, the other location stamped on the check backs. The potential implications of this link are discussed earlier in my 6/29/09 “Family Business” post. My father is a known close associate of my ex-husband’s.)
I’ve heard rumors that Rob Jones actually works as an investigator for our local D.A., but no one will confirm this for me. (Am I surprised?!?) Note that I’ve been told repeatedly we need to go to this D.A.’s office both to file criminal complaints and to obtain various legal protections for both myself and my children. Also note that it’s this same D.A.’s office that is involved in the Shue, Dillday, and other notorious suspicious death cases.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Illegal Surveillance, Part III

After the series of events documented in my two previous blog posts concerning illegal surveillance, I realized I now had proof of the illegal surveillance my children and I had long suspected we were victims of. I went to the San Antonio FBI office and met with an agent there, but he was not particularly helpful. Another agent from there that I spoke with on the phone told me I needed to have someone from the Texas Department of Public Safety’s technical unit sweep our house and property for bugs, but when I called the DPS about this, I ran into a lot of run-arounds and stalling.
Eventually, I did speak with a DPS officer in their technical unit. He told me I needed to write a letter to the director, Col. Davis, requesting a sweep of our property because Col. Davis was the only person who could authorize this. The officer gave me Col. Davis’ mailing address, but I pointed out that we were in a hurry to get the sweep done and also that, based on past experiences, there was a high likelihood of my letter being stolen out of the mail, even if I sent I certified or registered. I asked for a number where I could fax my letter to Col. Davis instead, but this request was met with more stalling. I persisted, however, and eventually the officer from the technical unit called back and gave me what he said was the fax number for Col. Davis’ office. I quickly wrote a letter, faxed it, and asked for confirmation that it had been received, which I did receive. [Copies of these documents are posted on my Kamau blog, http://kamaudocs.blogspot.com, as Kamau 157, 158, and 159.]
When I received no response to my request for a bug sweep from Col. Davis’ office, I faxed both him and the San Antonio FBI sample documentation like that already posted here plus additional documentation and continued to beg both agencies to help us. However, despite my providing them with a great deal of proof that we were under illegal surveillance and desperately needed help from them, I did not receive a single response of any kind from law enforcement—not even a simple yes-or-no answer regarding the sweep I’d requested as instructed. In desperation, I also appealed to the U.S. DOJ for help, but they also refused to respond in any way. [My many requests for this help are also posted at the kamaudocs blog mentioned above.] I was particularly alarmed to discover that the former head of the DPS’s statewide criminal investigation branch had lived in a house owned by my ex-husband’s family.
At the same time, I began filing serious complaints with both law enforcement and consumer agencies. When my consumer complaints were upheld but law enforcement at all levels continued to ignore me, I realized we would probably need to file a major personal injury lawsuit in order to get the help we needed and were entitled to. I began researching personal injury lawyers in San Antonio and Austin. When one particular personal injury lawyer was recommended to me by several different sources, I put together some sample documentation plus a letter asking for his help, and late at night on 10/13/07, I faxed this to him.
This fax of mine to the personal injury lawyer seems to have unleashed an absolute torrent of panic among Diop Kamau, his associates Greg Slate and Rob Jones, the local police, and my ex-husband. The next day, around 3 PM, I happened to look outside and saw that the gate to our pasture was standing wide open, something that could not have happened accidentally. Before I could race down the hill to close it, our livestock ran out, and I watched in horror as they took off down the street. One of my children and I immediately ran after them, but I left another of my kids at home to stay by the phone, since I’d also called the police when I realized our animals were headed for a major highway.
The decision to leave one of the kids in our house turned out to be crucial, because it soon became apparent that two police officers and two neighbors closely associated with my ex-husband were following us, watching us closely, and trying to get us away from our house in various ways (and, significantly, none of them helped us retrieve our animals; they just watched us and made fun of us). Eventually, we got our animals back on our own (and I immediately purchased and installed new locks on our pasture gates!).
Early the next morning, someone woke us up by trying to send a fax twice—but nothing actually transmitted. Very early the next day, I received a bizarre harassing email from “Manop joo” that included a link I didn’t click on. I immediately forwarded copies of this to law enforcement.
Later the same day, I suddenly received an email from Diop Kamau, whom I had not heard from since the previous summer. His email, posted here, was in much larger type than his previous ones, contained libelous statements about me, made demands for additional money that sounded like attempted extortion, and contained orders that I allow unspecified persons into our home to retrieve “several cameras and wireless devices”. Significantly, in this email, Kamau also finally admitted to having conspired with my ex-husband and local police officers.
I replied to Kamau, as posted here, with a request that he provide me with a detailed invoice for the money he claimed I owed him. I also reminded him he’d missed two previous deadlines for providing me with a listing of all equipment installed on my property and where it was located. Finally, I made it clear that none of the people he’d mentioned were allowed on my property for any reason and that I was contacting state and federal law enforcement immediately to ask for protection (which I did, although they did not respond).
The next day, I received a second email from Kamau (also shown here) insisting on an illegal invasion of our home to retrieve “equipment” that would involve local police officers. As you can see by my reply, I made it clear that I would not allow this, and I again appealed to the DPS and FBI for help. This time, I received an email from an unknown FBI agent saying only that they “were aware of our situation”.
On 10/21/07, Kamau sent me the third threatening email shown here. This time he said that the following Monday morning (10/23/07), Greg Slate and the local police would be invading our home. Once again I replied that I would not allow this and that I was again requesting protection from high-level law enforcement. Late on 10/22/07, when I hadn’t heard anything back from the FBI or DPS, I called the San Antonio FBI office and spoke to the night clerk there. He told me to call back in the morning. He also told me to “just not let anyone in, not even the police.”
Thankfully, no one showed up at our house the next morning, but ever since then there have been so many attempted break-ins that my children and I have been forced to keep our house attended at all times (meaning we can’t do anything together as a family). We continue to see many signs that we are under constant illegal surveillance, and we continue to be openly stalked and harassed by local law enforcement as well.
In June of 2005, local first responders had been in trouble for missing equipment that had been purchased with Homeland Security grants; some of this was surveillance equipment. In October of 2008, WOAI in San Antonio reported over $20 million worth of Homeland Security equipment was missing, including very sophisticated and expensive surveillance equipment. They said they’d turned over documented proof of this to Rep. Lamar Smith, but no other information was ever given out about this. I continue to wonder if any of this is on my property. [If you’re skeptical about the possibility of federal equipment being used for purposes of stalking, I suggest you also refer back to my 9/20/09 posting on this blog.]
The Lady In The Bathtub
Note: I'm having to blog from a remote computer today because someone keeps taking down our home internet connection. (Could this possibly be related to what is known to be coming with regard to my blogs on illegal surveillance??)
During the many years I dated and was married to my ex-husband, I vaguely remember hearing him and his family and close friends discussing various suspicious deaths that had occurred in the area, but at the time I was not aware there might be anything unusual about these conversations (and I was often distracted by children), so I did not pay as much attention as I now wish I had. This has resulted in my having a great many "snippets" of memories about what I was told about these deaths, and some of them are more complete than others. The conversations about what I'm calling the story of the lady in the bathtub here fall somewhere in the middle: I remember slightly more, was told a little more than usual, and happen (because of where it took place) to have a little more concrete information than in a lot of the other cases that might be able to be confirmed.
A little background is necessary. Many years ago (either when my former husband and I were dating or had just married), my ex-'s family purchased a ranch at Flag Creek in Llano County, where they have close relatives. This ranch has a small wooden hunting cabin and an old one-story house made out of interesting rock on it. My ex-'s family usually rented out the ranch and both structures for hunting, but I believe they also sometimes leased the house out for longer periods. Besides the rock exterior, my other favorite feature of the house was the beautiful old claw-foot bathtub that looked like it was original to the house.
One weekend when the house and cabin weren't occupied, my former in-laws invited longtime friends from Houston up to hunt at this ranch, and we packed up our children and some food and drove out to spend the day eating and visiting with them. Sometime after lunch, my mother-in-law took me aside and asked me what I thought about the woman who had recently been found dead in the house's bathtub. I was horrified to hear this, and I told her I didn't know anything about it and wanted to know more. She told me that the dead woman was a girlfriend of a man they'd been renting the house to, that she'd been found dead under suspicious circumstances, and that her body had been taken to Austin for further examination. I remember being shocked to hear this, and I asked her why no one had told me about this before; she replied that she'd just assumed my husband had told me about it. She asked me if I thought the death was a homicide, and I remember telling her I did believe it sounded like murder. A little later, my former sister-in-law also brought up the subject of this death and also asked me for my opinion on whether it was a murder or not, which I remember thinking was a little odd. I remember telling her the lovely old bathtub in the house had now lost its charm for me and that I was glad to hear the death was being thoroughly investigated. I may also have been told that the woman's death involved antihistimines and alchohol or pills, but I can't remember about this for sure.
I never heard anything more about this death; even when I asked, no one seemed to know anything, and I don't remember seeing anything in the papers about it. Knowing what I know now, I'm hoping someone somewhere will look into this death further and somehow bring justice and/or some closure to the woman's loved ones.
During the many years I dated and was married to my ex-husband, I vaguely remember hearing him and his family and close friends discussing various suspicious deaths that had occurred in the area, but at the time I was not aware there might be anything unusual about these conversations (and I was often distracted by children), so I did not pay as much attention as I now wish I had. This has resulted in my having a great many "snippets" of memories about what I was told about these deaths, and some of them are more complete than others. The conversations about what I'm calling the story of the lady in the bathtub here fall somewhere in the middle: I remember slightly more, was told a little more than usual, and happen (because of where it took place) to have a little more concrete information than in a lot of the other cases that might be able to be confirmed.
A little background is necessary. Many years ago (either when my former husband and I were dating or had just married), my ex-'s family purchased a ranch at Flag Creek in Llano County, where they have close relatives. This ranch has a small wooden hunting cabin and an old one-story house made out of interesting rock on it. My ex-'s family usually rented out the ranch and both structures for hunting, but I believe they also sometimes leased the house out for longer periods. Besides the rock exterior, my other favorite feature of the house was the beautiful old claw-foot bathtub that looked like it was original to the house.
One weekend when the house and cabin weren't occupied, my former in-laws invited longtime friends from Houston up to hunt at this ranch, and we packed up our children and some food and drove out to spend the day eating and visiting with them. Sometime after lunch, my mother-in-law took me aside and asked me what I thought about the woman who had recently been found dead in the house's bathtub. I was horrified to hear this, and I told her I didn't know anything about it and wanted to know more. She told me that the dead woman was a girlfriend of a man they'd been renting the house to, that she'd been found dead under suspicious circumstances, and that her body had been taken to Austin for further examination. I remember being shocked to hear this, and I asked her why no one had told me about this before; she replied that she'd just assumed my husband had told me about it. She asked me if I thought the death was a homicide, and I remember telling her I did believe it sounded like murder. A little later, my former sister-in-law also brought up the subject of this death and also asked me for my opinion on whether it was a murder or not, which I remember thinking was a little odd. I remember telling her the lovely old bathtub in the house had now lost its charm for me and that I was glad to hear the death was being thoroughly investigated. I may also have been told that the woman's death involved antihistimines and alchohol or pills, but I can't remember about this for sure.
I never heard anything more about this death; even when I asked, no one seemed to know anything, and I don't remember seeing anything in the papers about it. Knowing what I know now, I'm hoping someone somewhere will look into this death further and somehow bring justice and/or some closure to the woman's loved ones.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Crime And "Punishment"
The people who commit blatant and repeated crimes against my children and me seem to have some sort of sick need to “punish” me each time I try to file a complaint, request help, blog about an incident, etc., and this has been going on for many years. The trespassing stuff recently blogged about here is a prime example of this, but, sadly, it’s just the tip of a very large iceberg indeed. For example, each time I send a faxed complaint or request for help, I receive at least one (and often more) prank faxes within the next 24 hours. These usually come in at awkward or inconvenient times, too: when we’re just sitting down to eat, when we’re in the bathroom, when we’re asleep, etc. Ditto for phone calls—each time I make one trying to help our situation, we soon receive at least one prank call of some sort (sometimes hang-up, sometimes “silly”, sometimes downright harassing; always logged and described in writing by us afterward). Ditto for harassing mail and emails I receive in response to requests I’ve made for help, some of which include threats, ridicule, unsolicited funeral or health plan information, and invitations for my ex-husband and his current wife to various prominent social functions I used to attend with my husband years ago sent to them by name at my address even though the senders are close associates and/or relatives of my ex- who are fully aware he hasn’t lived here in over 10 years.
Sometimes the “punishment” is personal, as happened last night when lifelong close associates of my ex- followed one of my kids and me into a restaurant. Often, the constant stalking, harassment, and “punishment” takes the form of people parading back and forth in front of our home in various costumes, disguises, or with various animals. (Because they know it makes our dog bark, the latter are especially common early in the morning, at which time they stand directly in front of our front door for up to 15 minutes at a time.) Other times, after I’ve complained to law enforcement about blatant drug-related crimes, we will be “punished” by having loads of dope paraded back and forth in front of our house—in one case, we even photographed 2 city employees transferring tan, shrink-wrapped bundles from the back of an official city truck to being tied underneath or behind the front bumper with thin black cord. When I complain to authorities or on this blog about the illegal surveillance we’re under, my ex- soon turns up on a bike just down the street or around the corner the next time I go somewhere.
This morning, the “punishment” took the form of either my ex-husband or someone who looks a great deal like him (it was hard to tell for certain because he was wearing a hard hat) and two associates waiting just our of sight from our front door at the far southeastern corner of my property. As soon as I started up the driveway with our dog to get the newspaper, these 3 men (all wearing hard hats and neon vests) came walking slowly towards me grinning. They remained in front of our house the entire time I was outside and then left when I sent back in.
I understand that abusers frequently use these kinds of illegal behaviors to try to dominate and control others, but our situation begs the question of why entire communities would stoop to these kinds of behaviors despite being fully aware they are wrong and criminal—AND why law enforcement, the media, and various professional organizations would knowingly cover these up. (Again, we are NOT the only victims of this stuff here by any means—look up, for ex., the letter written to the Kerrville Daily Times by Milton Maughan.) Is this what M. Scott Peck described as “group evil” in his famous book, People of the Lie? Or is it a manifestation of something even darker that is evidenced by the racist/Nazi graffiti my children tell me is openly written all over the restroom walls at school, the cross one of my children once witnessed being burned at a high school pep rally with school board officials in attendance (that I complained to the FBI about; of course they did nothing about it), the “Patriots For Freedom” public rallies which used to be advertised in the local newspaper that taught survival skills in case of catastrophic war openly on our street corners, and more?
As more and more of this stuff is being made public, it’s no wonder a few wise pillars of the community are starting to be concerned about how this area will end up being perceived historically (see my 10/26/09 blog). I will be coming back to this subject again later, because close family members of some of the “insiders” involved in all this stuff turn up in some very surprising places in state and federal government and within the military.
Sometimes the “punishment” is personal, as happened last night when lifelong close associates of my ex- followed one of my kids and me into a restaurant. Often, the constant stalking, harassment, and “punishment” takes the form of people parading back and forth in front of our home in various costumes, disguises, or with various animals. (Because they know it makes our dog bark, the latter are especially common early in the morning, at which time they stand directly in front of our front door for up to 15 minutes at a time.) Other times, after I’ve complained to law enforcement about blatant drug-related crimes, we will be “punished” by having loads of dope paraded back and forth in front of our house—in one case, we even photographed 2 city employees transferring tan, shrink-wrapped bundles from the back of an official city truck to being tied underneath or behind the front bumper with thin black cord. When I complain to authorities or on this blog about the illegal surveillance we’re under, my ex- soon turns up on a bike just down the street or around the corner the next time I go somewhere.
This morning, the “punishment” took the form of either my ex-husband or someone who looks a great deal like him (it was hard to tell for certain because he was wearing a hard hat) and two associates waiting just our of sight from our front door at the far southeastern corner of my property. As soon as I started up the driveway with our dog to get the newspaper, these 3 men (all wearing hard hats and neon vests) came walking slowly towards me grinning. They remained in front of our house the entire time I was outside and then left when I sent back in.
I understand that abusers frequently use these kinds of illegal behaviors to try to dominate and control others, but our situation begs the question of why entire communities would stoop to these kinds of behaviors despite being fully aware they are wrong and criminal—AND why law enforcement, the media, and various professional organizations would knowingly cover these up. (Again, we are NOT the only victims of this stuff here by any means—look up, for ex., the letter written to the Kerrville Daily Times by Milton Maughan.) Is this what M. Scott Peck described as “group evil” in his famous book, People of the Lie? Or is it a manifestation of something even darker that is evidenced by the racist/Nazi graffiti my children tell me is openly written all over the restroom walls at school, the cross one of my children once witnessed being burned at a high school pep rally with school board officials in attendance (that I complained to the FBI about; of course they did nothing about it), the “Patriots For Freedom” public rallies which used to be advertised in the local newspaper that taught survival skills in case of catastrophic war openly on our street corners, and more?
As more and more of this stuff is being made public, it’s no wonder a few wise pillars of the community are starting to be concerned about how this area will end up being perceived historically (see my 10/26/09 blog). I will be coming back to this subject again later, because close family members of some of the “insiders” involved in all this stuff turn up in some very surprising places in state and federal government and within the military.
Kerr. man,
mail tampering,
Nazi grafitti,
Patriots For Freedom,
Monday, November 9, 2009
Trespassing, Continued
Today at lunchtime, one of my adult children came home to find a package containing something they'd ordered had been left by our back (kitchen) door. This is significant because in order for whoever left it to do this, they would have had to open a wooden gate in a high privacy fence and enter our backyard, something no mail or delivery person has ever done before. In fact, there was someone in our house all day, so if the mail carrier (USPS, in this case) was concerned about leaving it on our front porch, they could have easily rung the doorbell as they normally do. There was simply no reasonable excuse or reason for leaving the package where we found it, and someone clearly had to trespass to leave it where it was.
This is not our first serious incident with regard to mail delivery by any means. Indeed, much of our mail is delivered either wide open, damp from having been steamed, and/or opened and then crudely taped shut. In one memorable instance, a letter arrived having been opened and then glued shut again with what looked like white glue that had been applied so excessively that the letter inside was completely glued together as well! In another serious incident, a USPS mail carrier used a package containing something I'd ordered to try and get me to sign a mailing receipt for a package containing some kind of drugs or medications I knew nothing about and which weren't even addressed to me. (They were addressed to a business partner of my ex-husband's. The mail carrier tried to make me think I was signing for my package, but thankfully, I examined the card receipt first and then refused to sign it. I filed a complaint over this incident, but the USPS did nothing.)
No matter which carrier or delivery company is involved, the majority of our packages arrive with clear signs of having been illegally opened. Sometimes someone brazenly writes "Opened By Mistake" on these, but often they don't even bother. Also, I have a stack of mailing receipts over an inch thick for mail I've tried to send that has been lost or stolen (that USPS also refuses to do anything about).
This is not our first serious incident with regard to mail delivery by any means. Indeed, much of our mail is delivered either wide open, damp from having been steamed, and/or opened and then crudely taped shut. In one memorable instance, a letter arrived having been opened and then glued shut again with what looked like white glue that had been applied so excessively that the letter inside was completely glued together as well! In another serious incident, a USPS mail carrier used a package containing something I'd ordered to try and get me to sign a mailing receipt for a package containing some kind of drugs or medications I knew nothing about and which weren't even addressed to me. (They were addressed to a business partner of my ex-husband's. The mail carrier tried to make me think I was signing for my package, but thankfully, I examined the card receipt first and then refused to sign it. I filed a complaint over this incident, but the USPS did nothing.)
No matter which carrier or delivery company is involved, the majority of our packages arrive with clear signs of having been illegally opened. Sometimes someone brazenly writes "Opened By Mistake" on these, but often they don't even bother. Also, I have a stack of mailing receipts over an inch thick for mail I've tried to send that has been lost or stolen (that USPS also refuses to do anything about).
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Illegal Surveillance, Part II

In the fall of 2006, I hired Diop Kamau and his Police Complaint Center to help me deal with constant serious stalking and harassment problems my kids and I were having with local law enforcement (who are all close associates of my ex-husband; the local police chief is also a lifelong BFF of my ex-husband and his brother). My dealings with Kamau and various associates/employees of his are extensively documented at http://kamaudocs.blogspot.com.
By the end of June 2007, I was becoming suspicious of Kamau because he’d asked for and received large sums of money from me yet I had nothing tangible to show for this, and the harassment and stalking of us had become worse, not better. One day, as I was thumbing through an old local phone book, I discovered a listing for a “G. Slate” that I immediately realized might be for Greg Slate, an investigator Kamau had assigned to our case and sent to our home a couple of times. I realized that if Slate was local, he and Kamau had lied to me, and this would also tie them to my ex- and local law enforcement and mean I was being conned. I immediately sent Kamau a text message from my cell phone asking him if Greg Slate was from here.
What followed was a series of text messages exchanged between Diop Kamau, Greg Slate, and me, some of which are posted here. [For others, please see the blog mentioned above.] I quickly noticed Kamau was being evasive and was trying to reassure me while at the same time trying to find out exactly what I had and had not figured out.
Because my children and I continued to see and hear so many signs that locals knew things going on within the privacy of our home and vehicles, we had long suspected we were under illegal surveillance. Now, with the sudden realization that Kamau had conned me and was probably conspiring against me with my ex-husband [I remembered a previous incident from 2/07, also documented in the other blog, that potentially linked them as well], I became extremely concerned about all the money Kamau had charged me for surveillance equipment I’d never actually seen and the ways Kamau had persuaded me to allow Slate and another associate I’d known only as “Paul” [probably Paul Merryweather] access to various areas of our house such as our attic, basement, and computer.
As documented here, I quickly insisted Kamau furnish me with a complete and detailed history of all equipment his company had installed on our property and the exact locations of this equipment. Kamau at first agreed to furnish me with this list but then began insisting I let Greg Slate come onto my property and into my house to give it to me rather than faxing or emailing the list as I’d asked. When I continued to refuse to allow Slate on my property, Slate waited until I had just gotten into the swimming pool with my kids that night [how did he know??] and then blatantly trespassed on my property to remove an unknown device from a decorative item on our front porch and repeatedly honked his horn afterward so we’d know what he’d done. Kamau at first denied Slate had done this, but when I texted information about Slate’s car proving the kids and I had seen him, Slate himself texted me back to brag about what he’d done.
Diop Kamau then admitted there was some sort of expensive, high-tech. surveillance equipment hidden inside our home, and he continued to insist that I allow Greg Slate inside to retrieve it. I refused, and I quickly phoned the FBI in San Antonio to tell them I had reason to believe we were under illegal surveillance by local police. I asked for a thorough sweep of our property, both over the phone and then in person by going down to their offices and meeting with an agent, but they repeatedly refused to do anything and insisted I needed to request the sweep from the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Col. Davis, instead. I did this also (repeatedly), but the only response I received from them was that they’d received my original request. I eventually furnished both the TX DPS and the FBI with extensive documentation of the illegal surveillance we had every reason to believe we were under plus documentation of possible ties between my ex-husband, Kamau, and others related to our case, and I made repeated requests for a thorough sweep of our property by high-level law enforcement (including the U.S. DOJ), but they all refused to even provide me with a simple yes-or-no answer. When the Texas Rangers eventually advised me to file a criminal complaint locally, I was asked to meet with Dep. James Segner at his office; when I did so, he forced me to step over and around what appeared to be a large amount of surveillance equipment he had all over his floor (and laughed at me as I did so) and then proceeded to prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d had access to a private conversation I’d had with two of my children inside our house!
Important Note: As soon as I realized I’d been conned by Kamau, I began sending these text messages to my email address and printing them out, but because we’d suddenly begun having severe computer problems and also because I was in a hurry to get as many of them printed out as possible before they disappeared, I didn’t notice that they were printing out with the dates they’d been printed on them rather than the dates they’d been sent. As a result, I’ve had to use my memory to try and arrange them in order as best I can, and I freely admit that some are not in the correct order. However, I’m confident that what is posted here is as accurate a representation of what was sent when as possible and that even considered at random, these messages are incriminating.
Key: Initials in red indicate the sender of each text message. DK = Diop Kamau; M = me; GS = Greg Slate.
Diop Kamau,
Greg Slate,
illegal surveillance,
text messages
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A couple of days ago, one of my adult children caught their grandfather driving onto our property. As soon as "Opa" realized he'd been spotted, he quickly backed out of our drive and sped off (heading in the same direction he'd been going before, so he wasn't just turning around).
My ex-husband and his family and friends have been warned repeatedly not to trespass on our property, but they do it all the time because they know law enforcement won't do anything and they seem to enjoy showing us and others that they can get away with it. Worse, "Opa" is an attorney who is well aware of the fact that he's breaking the law by coming onto our property.
My ex-husband and his family and friends have been warned repeatedly not to trespass on our property, but they do it all the time because they know law enforcement won't do anything and they seem to enjoy showing us and others that they can get away with it. Worse, "Opa" is an attorney who is well aware of the fact that he's breaking the law by coming onto our property.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Illegal Surveillance, Part I

On Oct. 11, 2005, I was surprised to receive a packet of documents I'd never seen before from the office of the Boerne lawyer I'd had to fire about a month earlier (when I discovered he'd been conning and misrepresenting me). These documents arrived completely scrambled, and it took me a full day to sort them and put them in order. After I'd done this, I discovered a number of chains of events I hadn't known about previously. These documents (and others not shown here) are from one of these and help document the following sequence of events that I now know occurred. (To understand where this fits in overall in our situation, please see the "My Sotry" post at the beginning of this blog.)
1) Private investigator Ed Hodges (and unknown others?) filed fraudulent trust documents that weren't properly notarized in my name at our local courthouse.
2) Shortly after these documents were filed, Hodges received a cryptic email from a "Mr. Henri" asking Hodges to put $5,000.00 into the CA bank account of a company called Technipol International Corp. [email shown here].
3) Person or persons unknown mailed something to my ex-husband by certified mail the day after Hodges received the above email.
4) The day after that, Hodges had me give him a check for a large sum of money he claimed I owed him.
5) Shortly after getting my money, Hodges used it to set up a new account with Merrill Lynch.
6) As soon as the Merrill Lynch account was set up, Hodges began sending urgent requests for Merrill Lynch to wire $5,000.00 to the Technipol account as requested by "Mr. Henri". Hodges was in such a hurry to make this wire transfer that he repeatedly got the account numbers wrong and had to keep redoing his requests.
7) Finally, as shown here, the $5,000.00 was transferred on 1/26/04.
Please note that I was completely unaware of any of this until I received the documents late in 2005, and for a long time after I did receive them, I was not sure what they meant.
Recently, I discovered that Technipol makes sophisticated surveillance equipment for the CIA, the Secret Service, and others. (Besides the local connections to LBJ's Secret Service agents, current Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurt, who owns a ranch nearby us, served as a CIA officer in Bolivia, the same country where my nephew once had a summer internship.) I never saw ANY of this equipment, but my children and I have certainly seen and heard many, many things that cannot be explained in any other way than that we are under full-time illegal surveillance somehow and that local police, my ex-husband and his family and friends, and others seem to have constant/ready access to this.
illegal surveillance,
Mr. Henri,
wire transfers
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