To My Texas Readers:
The proposed legislation described here by Sen. Uresti would close a gaping hole in Texas' legal protections for victims of domestic violence. PLEASE do everything you can to support it!! Approximately 1 in 4 women (and some estimates I've seen are considerably higher than this) will be the victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives, and this law would greatly increase protection for them. You can be a true hero by emailing, calling, or faxing as many of your elected officials, friends, and neighbors as possible and letting them know you support the passage of this bill. It only takes a few seconds of your time to click on the envelope icon at the bottom of this post, add a sentence or two stating your support for the bill and your request that your state senator vote for it, and email it. Those few seconds WILL save innocent lives!!
To My Readers Elsewhere:
Please take the time to check into protections available to victims of domestic violence where you live to make sure your area does not also have this loophole, because it's actually a fairly common one. If so, PLEASE look into fixing it and start letting your elected officials know you want something done about it.
To Everyone:
Let's honor Kristy's memory by doing everything we can to protect victims of domestic violence and get help for abusers. Domestic violence and abuse cases are currently skyrocketing.
We need a world where ALL people are treated with respect. Those who can't seem to do this for whatever reason need to be held accountable and experience negative consequences from their actions until they can be made to understand that their behavior is unacceptable and must improve. And until it does, victims must be protected to the fullest extent of the law. (This means protection orders must be ENFORCED as well as available!!)
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